Play Data

See below for a detailed description of how to update the Firmware for PlayFader and change PlayCase.

It doesn’t take long and if you use the knurlies, you don’t even need a screwdriver. If you have any problems, drop us an email.

FirmWare Update & Case Swap

New in V1.2

New live input quantisation engine for more creativity and play with CV.

New Fun FX - SLEW - make your grooves wobble in the moment.

Audition notes in User Scale Set-Up. Great for playing live to a dj set, adjusting your scale and never losing the flow.

New NOTE-L mode added to MIDI menu for monophonic legato play when supported by the the MIDI voice.

more to come soon.. including envelopes, more chord fun, maybe a new fun fx and the hidden accelerometer… we’re working on it!

Thank you for all your support, we’re committed to making PlayFader more fun with every firmware release, for years to come : )