Field Kit

Yours on arrival, to play with for the week.

We’ve carefully selected every item in your Field Kit for a specific purpose… that is, to help you engage with sound and music in the most intuitive, playful and rewarding way possible.

Modern music technology is incredible and while this can lead to complexity, there are a few devices out there which deliver a wonderfully simple experience that allows anyone to enjoy the magic of making music. These are the types of music instruments that excite us and we hope you’ll fall in love with during the week. Our sessions will introduce your Field Kit devices to you, one by one, taking all the time we need to get to know and enjoy them.

It’s Play Time…

  • We love the Cosmos, a wonderful looper of any sound you put into it, it has its own mind that you can have a conversation with, and once you drift along with it you’ll end up somewhere you never could have imagined. A marvel of modern music device design, we believe the Soma Cosmos is the central component to our Field Kits.

    Here’s what Soma have to say about it:

    COSMOS is a drifting memory station designed to work with meditative states through music. The design of the controls, functions and generated soundscapes are intended to evoke, in both performer and listener, states and experiences inherent in meditation, such as limitless space, fluidity, spontaneous development, presence, the ability to hear, tranquility, the experience of subtle harmony and happiness enveloping the whole world.

  • We love this tiny little box so much. The Aira J-6 sounds wonderful because, well, it’s a Juno 60… but the real magic lies in the simplicity of it’s interface and the way it effortlessly allows you to play chords and scales in ways that sound like you’re a master of music theory. It truly hides away the complexity that belies it, and gives you immediate access into beautiful, creative and complex musical emotions.

    Here’s what Roland have to say about it:

    The J-6 Chord Synthesizer is an endless well of musical inspiration, pairing a powerful chord sequencer with the lavish tones of the renowned JUNO-60 synth and lush effects. With 100 chord sets spanning a wide range of genres, you’ll always find fresh fuel for songs and jams with the J-6. There’s no need to know chords or theory to make cool music—simply call up a set and compose chord progressions on the fly with one-touch presses on the keyboard. Generate ideas for new tunes, create accompaniment for live performances, or send chord information to other MIDI gear.

  • Wow, the Wingie 2 is another tiny box of magic, invented by one of the music instrument industry’s true mad professors. Everything resonates, so, this box just allows you to amplify and delve deep into sonic vibrations and acoustic magic in a totally wonderful, intuitive and interactive way. Using the built in microphone you’ll hear and play with a whole new world of sound. There’s nothing quite like this out there, true sonic alchemy.

    Here’s what Ming Qi have to say about it:

    Wingie is a handheld stereo resonator with built-in microphones. Its dual onboard microphones allow you to interact and enrich vocals as well as the sonic environment around you.

    If you sing to it, Wingie responds with marvelously complex harmonies. Or play it as a percussive instrument and create acoustic feedback with your speakers. Wingie is small enough you can simply take it along with you and resonate with the world. However you decide to use it, Wingie can deliver a lush stereo image by just locating the sweet spots. It’s all right there in your hands.

The Original Hugh Tracey Kalimbas, made in South Africa by African Musical Instruments, are among the best in the world. Made of native African kiaat wood and spring steel, these kalimbas are real musical instruments that will amaze you!

  • We’re beyond excited to have these beautiful and nostalgic devices included in the Field Kit.

    We Are Rewind are a brave and bold French company bringing back the portable cassette player for all of us to enjoy once more. Not only do we have new components, but the updates are magical - you get Bluetooth connectivity, built-in Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery, Stereo recording input and playback to name a few.

    Each Field Kit contains a cassette player and a couple of tapes for you to use in any way you wish. Record your jams to take home with you, sample and resample back into other devices like the LemonDrop, stop and start a sample into the Cosmos and get that lovely tape-stop effect captured, there’s so many creative possibilities.

    We’re thrilled ot be partnering with We Are Rewind to offer you this, we hope you enjoy it as much as we think you will.

    Here’s what We Are Rewind have to say:

    At a time when music is going digital, when everything is accessible in a few seconds, the magnetism and romanticism of an audio cassette has remained intact. The sales of audio cassettes have been on the rise since 2012: there are signs that do not deceive... It remains now to create a cassette player worthy of the name.

    We were able to count on the know-how of French engineers with more than 40 years of experience in analog (within the Thomson company in particular) by creating a partnership with the company ORA, specialized in the development of high-end audio/sound equipment. The objective is simple: to propose a high-end cassette player, with a sober and pure design inspired by the first Sony Walkman.

    But in addition to the difficulty of finding the mechanical parts necessary for the (re)manufacture of cassette players (almost all factories having closed their doors more than 10 years ago), the problem of batteries to be changed regularly arose. The solution is quickly found and appears as an evidence: the player will work thanks to a rechargeable battery. More practical, more ecological and a world first. And to allow everyone to listen to their music as they wish, this 2.0 player will also be equipped with a Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity. To listen to your old tapes with or without wire, that will be the question... Oh, yes, we also added a recording function so you can make your own mixed tapes… the most romantic Saint Valentine’s gift.

    We Are Rewind is a crazy bet: to allow nostalgic people, music lovers, design enthusiasts and all those who think that music is also made to be touched with the finger, to live or relive an incomparable listening experience.

  • Sometimes a single pedal can be transformative, allowing your tone to bloom in a way that draws music out of you effortlessly and keeps you engaged for hours on end. The simple look and feel of Cloudburst belies the power underneath the hood, because it produces some of the most gorgeous ambient reverb tones and soundscapes that you’ve ever heard out of a reverb pedal – there’s literally nothing else quite like it.

  • TMA-2 Move XE Wireless is the Bluetooth extension to our award-winning TMA-2 headphones and incorporates a decade of development and collaboration with artists.

    Premium modular Bluetooth headphones with critically acclaimed sound performance from our professional TMA-2 Studio line, balancing punchy bass and clear highly detailed representation.

  • The Volca Mix is an analogue performance mixer. The volca mix is a four channel analogue mixer that enables you to create a full live setup using multiple instruments. Featuring volume faders, crisp low and hi cut filters, and a set of master controls to really shape your mix.

  • We’ll also provide you all the power adapters, extension cables, battery packs and audio cables you might want.

  • The contents of the Field Kit may change from time to time. This is usually to stay up to date with the latest and most innovative products available but occasionally we have have some supply constraints we simply can’t overcome. We’ll always have solid and suitable replacements though.

  • Though not part of your Field Kit, we have partnered with OVNO from Barcelona who make high quality field recording equipment. We’ll be using their binaural stereo antennas, contact mics and geophones during our Sound Walks to enable you to hear and record nature in truly unique ways.

Instrument Library

You can hire anything from the library for a day or the duration of your stay.

The library contains a whole range of music instruments like:

Effect Pedals (e.g. Chase Bliss Pedals, Roland, Strymon etc)

Synthesisers (e.g. Korg, Soma, Roland, Buchla etc)

Acoustic Instruments (Kalimbas, guitars, percussion etc)

And many more to come… You’ll be able to reserve these as part of the booking process.

Private Villa Rentals

If you’ve booked your own villa with some friends and want to have a jam session, we also hire Field Kits and PA systems. Get in touch and we’ll deliver them to your villa anywhere on the island.